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最近我到百貨公司裡,看到[103美國直購] iRobot 教育用機器人 Create 2 Programmable Robot 工程模組 No. RC65099商品,覺得還不錯

3. 電池

1. 主機

What's In The Box:

Create 2 is a remanufactured Roomba robot.

Add an external computer or microcontroller with additional sensors and actuators to transform Create into exactly the robot you want. Add a camera to build your own camera bot!

Communication Cable

iRobot Create 2 Programmable Robot

4. 通訊線

Use our 3D printable file to create a storage bin and ensure your additional electronics are safely housed within the robot's chassis

最後,不免推薦[103美國直購] iRobot 教育用機器人 Create 2 Programmable Robot 工程模組 No. RC65099一定要網路買,最划算喔~


Package Dimensions: 18.25 x 16.75 x 5 inches

Package Weight: 11 lbs.

Robot Dimensions:13.39 inches in diameter, 3.62 inches in height

Robot Weight: 7.9 lbs.

後來我聽我朋友建議,可以到網路購物買[103美國直購] iRobot 教育用機器人 Create 2 Programmable Robot 工程模組 No. RC65099

Rechargeable Battery

Home Base



2. 基地台

iRobot Create? 2 Programmable Robot Full Specifications


之後我這樣想了,就決定網路買[103美國直購] iRobot 教育用機器人 Create 2 Programmable Robot 工程模組 No. RC65099,超划算的~

結果,發現在這裡買[103美國直購] iRobot 教育用機器人 Create 2 Programmable Robot 工程模組 No. RC65099,居然比百貨公司便宜,還有折價券可以拿

From beginner programmer to advanced robotics student, the iRobot Create 600 allows a variety of progamming methods. Use it connected to your laptop, with a microcontroller, or come up with your own solutions. What are some of the things I can do with iRobot Create 2?

Program movements, sounds and the LED display, as well as read all of the robot's onboard sensors

關鍵字:[103美國直購] iRobot 教育用機器人 Create 2 Programmable Robot 工程模組 No. RC65099哪裡買,[103美國直購] iRobot 教育用機器人 Create 2 Programmable Robot 工程模組 No. RC65099哪裡?

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